Thursday, June 3, 2010

Deep Fried Tofu and Assorted Vegetables.

This is a popular snack among Thais. Sweet potato, yam (gabi) and sweet corn kernels are sliced into small cubes and mixed with batter. The mixture is scoped up using metal ladels shaped like hockey pucks and immersed into hot oil. The deep fried snacks are placed in a strainer to cool down. This is usually served with a sweet - albeit spicy (everything seems to be spicy in Thailand) syrup.

Often, Thais will buy tofu with this assorted vegetable pucks. Thais call this Taohu-Song Kruang.


  1. I like fried tofu. Are they using fermented tofu you dip in hot chili or this is regular tofu?

  2. No! Fresh tofu squares, cut them diagonally and deep fry. They puff up when you take them out of the pan but then later shrink. Thais like to put syrup (with chili of course) on the tofu. I can have that everyday.
